The Names of Christ in The Old Testament
(Actual number of books in Old Testament equal 39 , some were combined in the listing.)
- Genesis 3:15 He is the Seed of the woman.
- Exodus 12 He is the Lamb of God for Sinners slain.
- Leviticus Entire Book He is our Hight Priest.
- Numbers 24:17 He is the Star out of Jacob.
- Deuteronomy 18:15 He us the Prophet like unto Moses.
- Joshua 5:13-15 He is the Captain of the Lord’s hosts.
- Judges 3:13-15 He is the Messenger of Jehovah.
- Ruth 3 He is our Kinsman-Redeemer.
- Samuel 16-19 He is the Despised and Rejected King.
- Kings & Chronicles: He is Lord of lords of Heaven & Earth. Entire books.
- Ezra & Nehemiah: He is the Lord of Heaven & Earth. Entire books.
- Esther 10 He is our Mordecai. (He is our Courage.)
- Job 19:25 He is our Risen and Returning Redeemer.
- Psalms 1 He is the Blessed Man
- Ps 2 He is the Son of Man
- Ps 22 He is the Crucified One
- Ps 23 He is the Risen One
- Ps 24 He is the Coming One
- Ps 72 He is the Reigning One
- Ps 150 He is the Leader of Praise
- Proverbs 4 He is our Wisdom.
- Ecclesiastes 9:14-15 He is the Forgotten Wise Man
- Song of Solomon 2:16 He is my Beloved.
- Isaiah 53 He is our Suffering Substitute
- Jeremiah 23:6 He is the Lord, our Righteousness
- Lamentations 12:12-18 He is the Man of Sorrows.
- Ezekiel 1:28 He is the Glory of God.
- Daniel 2:34 He is the Smiting Stone.
- Hosea 3:5 He is David’s Greater King.
- Joel 3:16-21 He is the Hope of His people.
- Amos 3:12 He is the Rescuer of Israel.
- Obadiah 17 He is the Deliverer upon Mount Zion.
- Jonah: Entire Book He is the Buried and Risen Savior.
- Micah 5:2 He is the Everlasting God.
- Nahum 1:7 He is our Stronghold in the Day of Wrath.
- Habakkuk 2:4 He is the Anchor of our Faith.
- Zephaniah 3:5, 15 He is in the Midst of Judgment and Cleansing
- Haggai 1:1-13 He is the Lord of Presence and Power
- Zechariah 13:7 He is the Smitten Shepherd.
- Malachi 4:2 He is the Son of Righteousness.