The Names of Christ in The Old Testament

(Actual number of books in Old Testament equal 39 , some were combined in the listing.)

  1. Genesis 3:15    He is the Seed of the woman.
  2. Exodus 12        He is the Lamb of God for Sinners slain.
  3. Leviticus  Entire Book       He is our Hight Priest.
  4. Numbers 24:17               He is the Star out of Jacob.
  5. Deuteronomy 18:15     He us the Prophet like unto Moses.
  6. Joshua  5:13-15            He is the Captain of the Lord’s hosts.
  7. Judges  3:13-15            He is the Messenger of Jehovah.
  8. Ruth 3                   He is our Kinsman-Redeemer.
  9. Samuel 16-19       He is the Despised and Rejected King.
  10. Kings & Chronicles:    He is Lord of lords of Heaven & Earth.        Entire books.
  11. Ezra & Nehemiah:       He is the Lord of Heaven & Earth.              Entire books.
  12. Esther 10                He is our Mordecai. (He is our Courage.)
  13. Job 19:25       He is our Risen and Returning Redeemer.
  14. Psalms 1        He is the Blessed Man
  15. Ps 2            He is the Son of Man
  16. Ps 22           He is the Crucified One
  17. Ps 23           He is the Risen One
  18. Ps 24           He is the Coming One
  19. Ps 72           He is the Reigning One
  20. Ps 150          He is the Leader of Praise
  21. Proverbs 4      He is our Wisdom.
  22. Ecclesiastes 9:14-15    He is the Forgotten Wise Man
  23. Song of Solomon 2:16    He is my Beloved.
  24. Isaiah 53            He is our Suffering Substitute
  25. Jeremiah 23:6           He is the Lord, our Righteousness
  26. Lamentations 12:12-18   He is the Man of Sorrows.
  27. Ezekiel 1:28                He is the Glory of God.
  28. Daniel 2:34                He is the Smiting Stone.
  29. Hosea 3:5                   He is David’s Greater King.
  30. Joel 3:16-21               He is the Hope of His people.
  31. Amos 3:12                  He is the Rescuer of Israel.
  32. Obadiah 17                 He is the Deliverer upon Mount Zion.
  33. Jonah: Entire Book  He is the Buried and Risen Savior.
  34. Micah 5:2                   He is the Everlasting God.
  35. Nahum 1:7                  He is our Stronghold in the Day of Wrath.
  36. Habakkuk 2:4            He is the Anchor of our Faith.
  37. Zephaniah 3:5, 15     He is in the Midst of Judgment and Cleansing
  38. Haggai 1:1-13             He is the Lord of Presence and Power
  39. Zechariah 13:7          He is the Smitten Shepherd.
  40. Malachi 4:2               He is the Son of Righteousness.