List of Completed Study Notes

Drue has been a pastor since 1978 and has served the Lord as pastor of Trinity Bible Church in Oklahoma City since its inception in 1991. He has also served as a professor of Hebrew and Ancient History at two different seminaries and has been actively involved in missionary outreach, youth ministries and numerous discipleship programs. He has written several books including books to train village pastors, including Angelic Conflict, Prophecy, Foundations: Building in the Faith,  Foundations: Defending the Faith and Beginnings: Genesis 1-11

In addition, Drue has served on the Board of Directors of several ministries and been an advisor to several missions organizations.

After years of studying and teaching, Drue is going through his study notes from over the years and is presenting them in published form, in order to share them with you. As they are completed, the notes from the New Testament will be added here. All books will be published in the chronological order of their writing, so that the study can maintain a contextual flow of the New Testament.

“Book of Acts”Transitional History from The Age of Israel to The Early Church
The Book of Acts starts with Jesus ascending to heaven.  The Christian Church begins with the giving of the Holy Spirit.  This study shows the spread of Christianity starting in Jerusalem and going to the Roman Empire.  In the Book of Acts, Jesus stops Paul’s Persecution of Christians.  Paul will spread Christianity as far as Rome.

“Book of James”Instructions and Promises
James is a letter written to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered abroad.  This is a letter of encouragement, exhortation, comfort and joy.  This study will explore 60 commands and 24 promises. Believers are taught to humbly ask God for wisdom, without any doubting.  This book teaches the importance of correctly applying the Royal Law, to love your neighbor as yourself but without showing partiality.  The goal, for James, is our full spiritual maturity as Believers for a crown is waiting.   James is the first epistle written in the New Testament.

“Book of Galatians”The Importance of Christian Liberty
The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the churches at Galatia. The issue, men from Judea came teaching, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”   These Judaizers were also seeking to discredit Paul’s Apostleship and message.  In this letter, we will see how Paul addresses this infiltration of legalism and defends his ministry. He will clarify what salvation is and what it is not while encouraging Believers to be led by the Spirit, giving details of the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit?   Discover how our freedom in Christ is designed to love God and serve others in Christ.  Galatians is the second epistle written in the New Testament.

“1st Thessalonians”The Model Church
1st Thessalonians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul, Silas and Timothy to the church in Thessalonica. Paul and Silas’ ministry in Thessalonica resulted in a new church of Jews, God-Fearing Greeks, and prominent women. After three weeks, Paul and Silas left abruptly due to a mob of jealous unbelieving Jews and Greeks. When Paul could not return, he sent Timothy. Timothy reported they were standing firm in their faith, hope, and love which defines a model church. This study will look closely at the Thessalonians. Paul’s thankfulness to God for their faith, hope, and love. Paul’s exhortation is to stand firm against persecution, writing encouraging words about those who have died in Christ before Jesus returns. Paul gives additional information about Jesus Christ’s return for His church and The Day of the Lord. 1st Thessalonians is the third epistle written in the New Testament.

“2nd Thessalonians”Restoring Damaged Hope
2 Thessalonians is the second letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church at Thessalonica. The church is continuing to grow in faith and love in the midst of increased persecution, but their hope has been shaken. False teachers misleading the church wrote a fake Pauline letter claiming they missed the Day of the Lord. As a result, some believers were not working, not paying for food and being busybodies. In this study, Paul clarifies details about the Day of the Lord so believers will not be deceived again. Paul instructs the church on how to admonish those who refused to work and admonish them not as an enemy but as a brother. 2nd Thessalonians is the fourth letter of the New Testament.

“1st Corinthians”Confronting Carnality
1 Corinthians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the church at the large metropolis of Corinth in Greece. It was a wealthy city steeped in pagan worship and flagrant immorality.  The young believers at Corinth were largely Greek and Roman and they seemed to have messed up every area of Christian life.  This study, will focus on Christian conduct in the local church.  Paul gives 90 commands and addresses their extensive problems including: Divisions in the Church, man’s wisdom, immorality, and God’s wisdom.  Paul also clarifies questions on marriage, food, worship, spiritual gifts and the resurrection of Jesus.  Paul emphasized the importance of love and defends his Apostleship. 1st Corinthians is the fifth written epistle in the New Testament.

“Book of Romans”Christ: The Power of God to Us

“2nd Corinthians”God’s Comfort
2nd Corinthians is the fourth letter written by the Apostle Paul and is the seventh epistle in the New Testament. It is addressed to the church at Corinth and the believers throughout Achaia. After many problems, Titus brings good news that the believers at Corinth are doing well. Paul is filled with joy and in this letter writes of his steadfast love. In this study, Paul challenges the believers to love, forgive and comfort those who repent. Paul warns about false apostles and deceitful workers preaching another Jesus or a different gospel, or anyone who will lead you away from the simplicity and purity that is in Christ. Paul defends his Apostolic authority and his message. He also reminds them of their commitment to the offering for the Church at Jerusalem. There are 27 commands in 2nd Corinthians.

“Life of Christ Complete”The Gospels: A Harmony

“Book of Philemon”The Confidence of God to Us

“Book of Ephesians”Christ: The Riches of God to Us
Ephesians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the saints at Ephesus in Asia Minor. Paul commends the Ephesians on their faith, hope and love. He writes of the glorious mystery of the church. Christ is head of the Church and Believers are co-members of one another who are equally blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Paul is teaching new principals for this new Church age and his desire is for the believer to become mature in Christ. Paul writes how our relationships should change based on our relationship with God. Paul will encourage believers to stand firm in the spiritual fight against the unseen Satan.
Ephesians is the ninth epistle of the New Testament to be studied.

“Book of Philippians”Joy and unity in Christ
Philippians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul and Timothy to the saints at Philippi. Paul expresses his love and gratitude for the gift of money from the Philippians always offering prayer with joy for the saints. Paul shares details about his life and circumstances. He is in prison in Rome but Christ is being proclaimed. In this study, Paul is teaching about relationships. The principle of unity and humility in Christ. Be focused on Jesus Christ and be like-minded, maintaining the same love, united in spirit and purpose and to put away conceit and selfishness. Once again, Paul warns about the Judaizers spreading legalism. Paul sums up the letter with “rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice”
Philippians is the tenth epistle of the New Testament to be studied.

“Book of Colossians”Christ: The Fulness of God to Us
Colossians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul and Timothy to the saints and faithful brethren at Colossae in Asia Minor. Paul commends the Colossians on their faith, hope and love. In Colossae, false teachers of a Judaic-Gnostic heresy were infiltrating the church. In this letter, Paul is teaching believers, in this new Church age, about Jesus Christ, His person and His work. The practical part of Paul’s letter defines Christian character and instructs believers in every area of life.
Colossians is the eleventh book to be studied in the New Testament.

“1st Timothy”Christ: The Mediator of God to Us
Ist Timothy is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy stationed at Ephesus. This letter is to encourage Timothy and to give him authority in Paul’s absence. Timothy is to stop the evil influence of the false teachers. In the new Church age, how do churches operate and who leads? In this letter, Paul outlines matters of church doctrine, church leadership, and church administration including pastoral conduct, the qualifications of elders and deacons, appropriate conduct in worship gatherings and the proper order of church discipline.

“Book of Titus”Christ: The Kindness of God to Us
Titus is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Titus stationed on the island of Crete. A place infamous for sin and corruption, this letter is to encourage Titus and give him authority in Paul’s absence. Paul warns of false teachers including Judaizers. Titus was to properly restore order in churches in Crete using sound doctrine. Paul outlines qualities of officers of the church, offenders in the church, operations of the church and foundations of healthy doctrines.

“2nd Timothy”Christ: The Judge of God to Us
2 Timothy is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy.
In his last letter, Paul is giving Timothy encouragement, instruction and wisdom. Timothy is encouraged to guard and preach the Word, fight for the gospel, pursue righteousness and remain firm in sound doctrine. Timothy is warned against both false doctrine and ungodly practices. In the last days, difficult times will come with intense persecution and apostasy. Paul’s desire for Timothy, and all believers, is to persevere in the faith and to finish the race strong.

“Book of Hebrews”The Superiority of Jesus Christ
Hebrews is an epistle written by an unknown author to the Hebrews.
It’s main theme is the Superiority of Jesus Christ and thus the superiority of Christianity. Hebrews is the bridge that connects the Old Testament to the New Testament through Jesus Christ. In this study, we will explore how Jesus is superior to prophets, angels, Moses, Joshua and the Levitical priesthood. This epistle is rich in foundational Christian doctrine meant to instruct, encourage and warn.
Hebrews chapter 11 presents the Biblical heroes of the faith. Men and women of the Old Testament who triumphed by faith in spite of great difficulties and adverse circumstances. People who believed God and pursued His promises.
Hebrews is written at a time when Jews and Gentiles were being persecuted by the Roman Empire
This epistle encourages believers to hold firm to our faith against persecution, keeping our eyes on our Great High Priest and to persevere, never giving up: “Run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

“1 Peter”Christ: The Example of Suffering
1 Peter is a letter written by the Apostle Peter to believers scattered throughout the northern areas of Asia Minor both Jew and Gentile. Peter writes this letter to encourage suffering believers who are experiencing growing persecution for their faith.
Peter looks in depth at the person and work of Jesus Christ who also suffered while on this earth and is our example for suffering. In Jesus Christ, believers have a living hope and an imperishable inheritance which is eternal, full of glory and secure forever. This living hope should be a present and living reality in the Christian’s life.
What should our conduct be? Peter then explores the believer’s relationship with other believers and unbelievers. We should live God-honoring lives in a hostile world by doing good. Peter reminded us that our real enemy is the Devil, who is on the prowl. We are encouraged to resist the devil and stand firm in God’s grace.

“2 Peter”Christ: The Sufficiency of Christ

“1 John”Christ: The Love of God

“2 John”Christ: The Incarnate God

“3 John”Christ: The Name

“Jude”Christ: The Security for Mankind