Archived Classes

Abraham’s Faith Journey 

Angelic Conflict – Coming Events

Angelic Conflict, Dispensations and Eternity

Angelic Conflict – The Missing Link

BabylonianismBabylonianism runs throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation. This study begins in Genesis where we will look at the physical Tower of Babel. Where was the tower located and why did God confuse their language? Then we will look at the six elements of Babylonianism and what God calls evil. Lastly, we will explore in depth prophetic Babylon and religious Babylon of the last days.

Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Being an Overcomer

Being a Witness in the Last Days

Birth of The Messiah

Book of JobThis book is about Job. A wealthy man in the land of ancient Uz. Job was upright and unwavering in his commitment to God, yet he loses everything- his children, his wealth and eventually his health. What part does Satan play in Job’s suffering? How do Job’s friends react to Job’s suffering and what is the final outcome?

Book of Genesis

Book of Hebrews

Book of Jude

Book of Leviticus

Book of Proverbs

Book of Revelation

Book of Romans

Book of TitusTitus is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to Titus stationed on the island of Crete.  A place infamous for sin and corruption, this letter is to encourage Titus and give him authority in Paul’s absence. Paul warns of false teachers including Judaizers.   Titus was to properly restore order in churches in Crete using sound doctrine.  Paul outlines qualities of officers of the church, offenders in the church, operations of the church and foundations of healthy doctrines.

Charting the End Times


Commands in Hebrews

Commands in James

Commands in Romans

Conflicting World Views

Dan Hardy

Decision Making

Divine DisciplineGod disciplines us like a loving father. His discipline comes from His righteousness and includes believers and unbelievers. In this short study, we will look God’s divine discipline, which comes in many forms. Is it deserved or undeserved? What is the desired result? And, can we lose our salvation?

Dispensational Transitions

Encouraging One Another – new recent class


Eternal RewardsEvery believer receives eternal rewards for the normal blessings of Heaven, but the Lord’s grace provides an opportunity for even greater blessings: An eternal inheritance reserved in heaven based on our faithful service to Him. In this study, we will look at eternal rewards. Treasure described as authority, gold, silver, precious stones and crowns in the scripture. Who is the source of our eternal rewards? When do we get them? And, can we lose our rewards? Our spiritual life is described as a race. Let us run with endurance the race set before us.

Faith, Hope and Love

Fellowship (includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd John)

Four Divine InstitutionsThere are 4 divine institutions established by God: Volition, Marriage, Family and Nations. Over 64 lessons, will take an in-depth look at what scripture tells us about each institution. What are the attacks on these institutions today?

Foundations II – Defending the Faith

Gospel in the Stars

Identifying the Lures of Evil

Keys to Life (received through Christ)Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved Acts 16:31

Last Days – Book of Jude

Letters to the 7 churchesThe Apostle John is given a revelation by Jesus Christ on the Isle of Patmos in 96 AD. The churches (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea) in Revelation actually existed at that time but are also part of a future prophecy. This study looks in depth at the 7 churches of Revelation. What is the prophetic meaning of each?

Life of Christ – Birth of Yeshua

Olivet Discourse

Overcoming the Evil of our Age

Progressive Revelation (includes Globalism)

Promises (video)

Prophecy (Includes “Lordship Salvation”)

Psalm 119

Questions and Answers

Resurrection of The Messiah

Sermon on The Mount


Spiritual Gifts and the Church

The Christian Life of the Last Days

The Millennium

The Tabernacle

Things to ComeThis study outlines all the unfulfilled prophecies in the Bible. First, let’s look at rightly dividing the Word of Truth to lay the foundation of our puzzle. Four dispensations are key to the Interpretation. The Coming Events, including the Rapture of the Church, The Tribulation, Second advent of Jesus Christ, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Those Daring DisciplesPortrait of the Disciples
“That they all may be one”
Jesus put together 12 men from widely divergent backgrounds and with vastly different personalities into an immovable unit with a single mission: to take the gospel to the world. This study will look at each disciple. Who were they individually? What did Jesus see in them?

Use of the Law in the New Testament

What Christians want to know

When Grace Runs Out.